
getting started...
Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter.
-- Brad Henry

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I stated in my last post that I exercise, and enjoy it most of the time. Well, I have to share a
Come True...

Dek has decided that he likes running after beating me in the turkey trot, I thought it may be a phase, nope, he asks to go with me and he went aprox. 3 miles with me today and asked if I would buy him running shoes. (That is one time YES came out without a thought.) I am excited to have a partner and a dream come true- when I became a mom I always had a thought in my head " I hope someday I can do this with my kids"- it has happened! Dreams do come true- so everyone out there keep visualizing them and they come true, like Bethany said, " I believe in Happily ever after." I do too I am living it with my sweetheart and fam.

What are some of your dreams???


Amie said...

Hey Court! Thanks for tagging me! I needed something to post with my countdown kiss today! :) So it's done! I'm so happy for you that Dek wants to run! :)

Jessica said...

Guess what... that is also one of my dreams. Every morning when I go to the gym I think to myself... I can't wait until Mick is begging to come with me.. Unfortunately.. that hasn't happened as of yet. He says NO ONE should be awake at 5 am! I am so happy (and jealous) for yoU!

Missy said...

How fun! My 8-year-old (Erik) asked last night if I'd go running with him. He runs but has never asked if I wanted to go with him. I've always dragged him along with me. So we went today and he thought it was so funny that he beat his mom. Anyway, congrats on your dream come true!

Becki Madsen said...

Don't you just love to exercise with your kids? Mine go with me to the gym sometimes and it is so much fun! My other dream is to have all of my kids get married to GOOD spouses in the Temple, hey what about some arranged marriages with our kids Court?