
getting started...
Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter.
-- Brad Henry

Friday, December 26, 2008

I hope all our friends and family had a very merry Christmas!? We had an eventful Christmas holiday this year from Christmas tree hunting to school parties, band concerts, ward and work parties, treats, cards, and gingerbread houses. Love all the smells of Christmas too!! We had a ball at the cabin Kathy and Mark rented a week ago. Lots of sledding and Tim and Bri thanks for bringing the 4-wheeler it added to the fun. The cabin was tight but still lots of fun. I honestly can say I do not feel like it is Chris' family they're mine too!! They are the best love all of you. We also did the Polar Express Luke loved it- it was for Luke since he is a big train lover. Luke liked the idea of going to the North Pole and seeing Santa's village and hopeful for that 'spiderman-lizard." Santa followed through on that wish. Christmas means to me family, friends, ( thanks to all of you for your thoughtful cards and treats!), and most importantly love -love of family and friends, but love of Jesus Christ his condecension and continuation in my life. Holy Christmas.

1 comment:

Becki Madsen said...

Sounds like you had a great holiday! I am so glad I get to keep in touch with you through your blogspot!