
getting started...
Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter.
-- Brad Henry

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Justice Halloween

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween. We did. Halloween mornings are always crazy at our house- it possibly could be me getting out of my routine not the kids. Anyway getting all their costumes on and last minute touch ups. We could never fit piano in on those mornings (sorry Kelcy and Brenda.) Tai could not decide so at about seven in the morning I threw a referee shirt on him and said, "You make a cute ref." He did not complain so a referee he was. Dek joined up Kobe and they were secret agents/Men in Black whatever, except they looked very handsome. Seth was Vader. He was happy as could be just to be some guy off of Star Wars. Bet was Little Red Riding Hood. She had a party the Sat. before and they went on a hayride, had treats, and played a couple games -cute girls. She thought Halloween was 'splendid.' Luke was Superman, he practiced well, he wore that costume around for three days and flew to the best of his ability. He only hurt his foot in the adventure and only has a slight limp today. We did the school walk, trunk or treat at the church parking lot, and went to Lawrence (Lawrence is the place to trick-or-treat, the good stuff is out in Lawrence -a tip for any Huntington folk.) So our bags we full. Dek's was so heavy that he could barely pack it. As you can see it was fun. I would not say it is my fav, but I enjoy anything my kids do. So Happy Halloween! Life is fun fun fun.


Brianne and Paul said...

cute blog. I know what you mean about halloween mornings being so crazy they are for us too.

stormee said...

Lookin cute Court! You are always so positive, I love it! Your the best and your blog is looking good! Love ya!