Two posts in a week this is a record, but my cousin's wife-- I will call her a friend- I do really consider her more of a friend than a cousin-in-law and what exactly is a cousin -in-law (do you have such things). Anyway, she inspired me to be a better blogger and so I will share with you all...
I am not a movie goer, I am not even a movie renter, more of a can't sit down kind of a lady, feel some guilty,
because at the movies I want the popcorn with the butter- extra - and I like enough to last the whole movie, it is
sooo yummy. The problem is when my calorie counter on my watch says I only burned 250 calories and ran two miles it is discouraging. So maybe that is my real reason I avoid the theatre- I can't say no to that yummy popcorn?
But over Easter we went to the movies-- Chris and Beau went to Clash of the Titans----it is leading our family into a
Greek mythology study--- I will let you know the grades on the reports. I went to How to Train Your Dragon with the kids. I liked it. I have always had a bit of a
fascination with dragons, but truly I liked the whole premise that
sometimes we try so hard as parents to mold our children into something when truly they can make their own way with the skills that have been given them. They will be awesome--- they are awesome in their own way, we do not have to all be vikings and slay things to be 'okay' or we don't all have to be a certain
religion, race, political party, etc. Life is about each person establishing their own identity.
So instead of
Siskel and Ebert it is Court and kids movie take.
Love chatting with you.